The Bulverde Community Parks and Garden


Other Bulverde-Area Links
Below find a list of Bulverde area links that residents and visitors might find useful
Bulverde City Offices – 830.438.3612
Website: http://bulverdetx.gov/
Location: 30360 Cougar Bend, Bulverde, TX 78163
Comal County Offices – 830.221.1100
Website: http://www.co.comal.tx.us/
Location: 100 Main Plaza, New Braunfels, Texas 78130
County GIS Mapping Site – Website: https://cceo.org/html5viewer/?viewer=publicviewer
Bulverde Spring Branch Activity Center – 830.438.3111
Website: www.bsbac.com
Location: 30280 Cougar Bend, Bulverde, TX 78163
Bulverde/Spring Branch Community Center - 830.438.2439
Location: 1747 Ammann Road, Bulverde, TX 78163
Bulverde Bowling Club - 830.438.3065
Location: 1747 Ammann Road, Bulverde, TX 78163
Bulverde Spring Branch Area Chamber of Commerce - 830.438.4285
Website: http://www.bulverdespringbranchchamber.com/
Location: 121 Bulverde Crossing, Suite 115, Bulverde, TX 78163
Economic Development Foundation – 830.885.4331
Website: www.bsbedf.com
Location: 36101 FM 3159, New Braunfels, TX 78231
Mammen Public Library – 830.438.4864
Website: http://bsblibrary.org/
Location: 131 Bulverde Crossing, Bulverde, TX 78163
Jumbo Evans Sports Complex – 830.608.2090
Location: 101 Jumbo Evans Blvd., Canyon Lake, TX 78070
Bulverde Little League – 210.380.7459
Website: http://bulverdelittleleague.org/
Location: 101 Jumbo Evans Bvld, Spring Branch, TX 78070
Upward Basketball – 830.980.7745
Website: http://www.upward.org
Location: 28300 Hwy. 281 N, San Antonio, TX 78260
Bulverde Texans Football
Website: http://www.bulverdefootball.org/
Location: N/A
Spring Branch Rangers Football
Website: http://www.rangersfootball.org/
Location: N/A
Bulverde Youth Soccer Association – 210.618.4776
Website: http://www.bulverdesoccer.com/
Location: 1341 Springwood Dr, Spring Branch, TX 78070
Tejas Rodeo - 830.980.2226
Website: https://tejasrodeo.com
Location: 401 Obst Rd, Bulverde, TX 78163
Provisions (AKA Bulverde Food Pantry) - 830.438.7899
Website: http://bulverdefoodpantry.org/
Location: 2295-1 Bulverde Road / P O Box 343 Bulverde, TX 78163
Front Porch News
Website: http://www.neighborhoodnews.com/CurrentNewsletters/BUL_CN.pdf
Comal Independent School District
Website: http://www.comalisd.org
Locations vary - see below
Bulverde Spring Branch Area Elementary Schools:
Arlon Seay Elementary School
20911 Hwy. 46 West
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2991 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6292 (San Antonio)
(830)885-8700 (GVTC)
Bill Brown Elementary School
20410 Hwy 46 West
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2994 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6295 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1400 (GVTC)
Indian Springs Elementary School
25751 Wilderness Oak
San Antonio, TX 78261
(830)643-8199 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6298 (San Antonio)
(830)885-9300 (GVTC)
Johnson Ranch Elementary School
30501 Johnson Way
Bulverde, TX 78163
(830)885-8600 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6293 (San Antonio)
(830)885-8600 (GVTC)
Kinder Ranch Elementary
2035 Kinder Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78260
GVTC Line (830) 885-8900
San Antonio (830) 609-6702
New Braunfels (830) 221-2986
Mountain Valley Elementary
310 Cannan Rd.
Canyon Lake, TX 78133
GVTC Line (830) 885-9500
San Antonio (830) 609-6730
New Braunfels (830) 221-2985
Rahe Bulverde Elementary School
1715 E. Ammann Road
Bulverde, TX 78163
(830)221-2998 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6299 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1600 (GVTC)
Rebecca Creek Elementary School
125 Quest Avenue
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2995 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6296 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1800 (GVTC)
Specht Elementary School
25815 Overlook Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78260
(830)221-2996 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6297 (San Antonio)
(830)609-6705 (GVTC)
Startzville Elementary School
42111 FM 3159
Canyon Lake, TX 78133
(830)221-2630 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6704 (San Antonio)
(830)885-8000 (GVTC)
Timberwood Park Elementary School
26715 S. Glenrose
San Antonio, TX 78260
(830)221-2997 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6705 (San Antonio)
(830)885-8500 (GVTC)
Bulverde Spring Branch Area Middle Schools:
Mountain Valley Middle School
1165 Sattler Road
Canyon Lake, TX 78132
(830)221-2993 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6294 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1300 (GVTC)
Smithson Valley Middle School
6101 FM 311
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2990 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6291 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1200 (GVTC)
Spring Branch Middle School
21053 Hwy. 46 West
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2989 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6290 (San Antonio)
(830)885-8800 (GVTC)
Bulverde Spring Branch Area High Schools:
Canyon Lake High School
8555 RM 32
Fischer, TX 78623
(830)221-2987 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6701 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1700 (GVTC)
Smithson Valley High School
14001 Hwy. 46 West
Spring Branch, TX 78070
(830)221-2988 (New Braunfels)
(830)609-6289 (San Antonio)
(830)885-1000 (GVTC)