The Bulverde Community Parks and Garden

Bulverde Community Park
Welcome the Bulverde Community Park. In order to maintain the integrity of this facility, and to ensure the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of the park by all visitors, patrons must observe the following guidelines:
General Rules
1. Park Hours of Operation are from 6:00 AM to 11:00 P.M. daily.
2. The kindling of fires in the park is strictly prohibited, except in the designated grill area utilizing the grills provided.
3. The defacement or disturbance of the grounds, equipment, landscaping, trees, or any other feature within the park is strictly prohibited.
4. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the park.
5. Glass containers are not permitted within the park, and all other garbage and litter must be placed in appropriate receptacles.
6. Solicitation of park patrons is not permitted.
7. The unlicensed possession of any weapons is prohibited in the park.
8. Fireworks, explosives, and other incendiary devices are prohibited within the park.
9. Picnicking is only allowed at picnic tables.
10. The defacement of the grounds, equipment, landscaping, trees, or any other feature within the park is strictly prohibited.
Vehicle Rules
1. Motor vehicles may only be operated in the facility parking lot. Such vehicles may not enter any other area of the park.
2. Mobility devices utilized to aid mobility impaired patrons are permitted in all areas of the park, provided that such devices in no way damage or degrade any park grounds or features.
3. All park sidewalks, athletic facilities, playgrounds, and other facilities have been designed for pedestrian use only. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters may be stored in the parking lot, but are not permitted within any other area of the park.
Animal & Pet Restrictions
1. All animals must be under the immediate possession and control of their owner at all times.
2. Failure to properly dispose of animal waste is a violation of City ordinance.
3. All types of livestock, including horses, are prohibited within the park without prior approval of the City.
4. Animals or pets displaying aggressive, disruptive, or dangerous behavior are prohibited.
5. Any act which serves to frighten, annoy, injure, hunt, trap, kill, remove, or release any animal in the park is prohibited.
Reservation of Park Facilities
1. All park facilities are available for the use of the general public on a first come, first served basis.
2. Certain park facilities, including the pavilions, gazebo, and athletic fields, are available for reservation for a fee. Please contact the City of Bulverde for more information regarding reservation.
These rules serve as a general guidelines for the use of this park. A complete listing of the regulations governing the use of this park are established in Chapter 15 of the City of Bulverde Code of Ordinances. Violation of the above rules will result in corrective action, up to and including suspension of park use privileges and removal from the park. In addition to the loss of park use privileges, violations of these rules constitutes a violation of City ordinance, and my subject the violator to additional civil and criminal penalties.
If you have any questions about the Bulverde Community Park or the rules governing park use, please contact the City of Bulverde at 830-980-8832.
For events or gatherings consisting of 50 or more persons, event organizers must apply for and receive a Special Use Permit from the City Council. Applications should be submitted to the City Secretary's Office at least 60 days prior to the event. The form, and the rules governing the issuance of Special Use Permits, are available at the links below: